Here are some answers:
Join the Crowd
Alone, your voice carries little weight; with others who support your ideals you can make headway. An example here is instructive. Recently a quarry was proposed near the Refuge that might have, to use a recent political phrase in a real context, “drained the swamp” and effectively destroyed it. The Friends joined local residents to oppose and eventually defeat this proposal.
Get Your Name on the List
This is the obverse of the “Join the Crowd” coin. You as an individual are important to us. We can approach funding agencies and use our membership list as a bargaining tool to multiply your contribution manifold. We estimate that every membership dollar is thus multiplied at least twenty times in fiscal income.
Back Up Your Beliefs
If you are reading this, you almost certainly support the goals of this Friends group. Accomplishing those goals, all of which in turn enhance the Iroquois Refuge, requires funding. Your individual membership contribution provides some of the funds that allow us to accomplish such things as: construct trails, add signage, purchase an educational trailer and sponsor educational programs.
We’re In This Together
You should have a real sense of fellowship as a member. You’ll feel a part of the organization that sponsors the Refuge’s major events and will have an opportunity to participate in their support. You’ll have opportunities to volunteer at any level you choose.
Hey, This is Yours!
This is the real bottom line of membership. Of course, the Iroquois Refuge is yours already if you are a United States citizen, but membership with other Friends gives you a greater sense of individual participation in that ownership. As a member, you can appreciate what indirectly you have accomplished. When you walk the Swallow Hollow Trail, for example, you are part of an organization that rebuilt this pathway. In this very real sense, it is indeed yours.