Iroquois Observations: Birding by Car

by | Mar 30, 2022 | Archive, Birding, Events, FINWR, Refuge, Wildlife

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Join our Birding By Car event!

Do you want to see eagles? Do you want to see sandhill cranes? Do you want to know the best spots to bird at the refuge? Do you want to stay in the warmth of your own car?

Well, you can you can do all this and MORE by attending our Birding By Car events! We have 2 of these planned for our spring Iroquois Observations program, Saturday April 2nd and April 23rd, from 10 AM till 1 PM.

Registration is required: Please email or call (585) 948-7036 to register!

Meet at the Cayuga Overlook.

FINWR supports the programs and activities that go on at Iroquois NWR.

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