Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Events

Refuge staff, volunteers, and partners regularly host different programs and events throughout the year that enable visitors to connect to nature, wildlife, and the refuge lands. For more details, visit the refuge events page.

January 15:

Board meeting (online)

January 25:

Bricks & Biodiversity, refuge

Feb. 7-8:

Luminary Walks, refuge

March 13-16:

Plantasia, Hamburg Fairgrounds

March 26:

Board meeting (online)

March 29:

Eagle celebration & Owl Prowl, refuge

April 26:

Owl Prowl, refuge

May 10:

Spring Spectacular at refuge

May 17:

Board meeting, at refuge

June 7:

Family Fishing Day, refuge

July 12:

Veterans Fishing Day, refuge

July 16:

Board meeting (online)

August 9:

Nature at Night, refuge

September 20:

Board meeting, refuge

October 25:

Owl Prowl, refuge

November 22:

FINWR annual meeting, refuge

Nesting programs


The unique array of habitats throughout the refuge host a diversity of wildlife. Over 266 different species of birds, an estimated 29 species of reptiles and amphibians, 18 species of fish, 42 species of mammals, and an abundance of invertebrates have been documented on the refuge. Many visitors come for a chance to see migratory neo-tropical birds, large flocks of waterfowl, or to catch a glimpse at the resident eagle nests and heron rookeries. For a more detailed list, go to the refuge’s wildlife page.
One way everyone who visits the refuge can help conservation efforts is by using the brush-off stations at the beginning of each trail. Invasive species are the most pernicious problem facing native flora and fauna. Using the brush-off stations before you enter a trail helps keep tiny seeds of invasive plants from entering the refuge.

Annual Photo Contest

The 2024-2025 Photo Contest is now open for submissions. At least three professional photographers from the Rochester area have graciously agreed to act as judges: Matt Wittmeyer of Matt Wittmeyer Photography, Tina MacIntyre-Yee of Gannett Co. Inc., and Max Schulte of WXXI. We should have the results in October/November, so stay tuned!

Cash Awards for Contest Winners

1st place:


2nd place:


3rd place:



Photos must be taken on the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Basom, New York, between September 1, 2024, and August 31, 2025. Click here to see a map of the Refuge boundaries.

Photographers may enter only one (1) photo per category:

  1. Refuge Wildlife – mammals, fish, insects, reptiles, etc. No birds.
  2. Refuge Birds – all bird species.
  3. Refuge Habitat/Scenery – depicts a view or views of natural features of a landscape, or an area or environment in which an animal or plant normally lives.
  4. Young Nature Photographer – young photographers aged 14 years old and younger. Photo subject should be wildlife, birds, or habitat from Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge.

Official Contest Rules

  • Photos may be disqualified if ANY of these rules are not followed:
    Photographers must be non-professional; “professional” defined as anyone whose livelihood is earned by photo submissions and/or sales.
  • All entries must be taken in public areas or during events at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025.
  • All entries will be judged as submitted. Both black & white and color photos are eligible.
  • A photo cannot be entered into more than one category.
  • No personal information/watermark is permitted on an image.
  • Electronic submissions ONLY. All entries are to be submitted online on the Friends of Iroquois photo contest submission web page.
  • Digital manipulation of images should be minimal and convey a strong sense of realism.
  • All entries must be submitted by August 31, 2025.

The photos and prizes will be awarded at the Friends of Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Annual Meeting in November 2025 – or by mail if meeting restrictions are still in place.

NOTE: Photographers 14 years and under may enter four (4) photos/ Young Nature Photographer, Wildlife, Birds, and Habitat.

Photographer: Maureen Szuniewicz
Category: Birds – Award: 1st Place
12th Annual Photo Contest 2021-2022

Photographer: Andrea Heine
Category: Wildlife – Award: 1st Place
10th Annual Photo Contest 2019-2020

Photographer: Gary Robinson
Category: Wildlife – Award: 1st place
8th Annual Photo Contest 2017-2018

Reproduction Rights and Liabilities

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge and FINWR reserves the right to use all entries for the purpose of promoting and supporting the refuge without compensation to the photographer; however, the copyright will remain with the photographer. Credit and notification will be given to the photographer when possible.

By submitting your entry, you agree to all the contest rules listed above.

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Max. file size: 50 MB.